Social Media and Your Good Health by Etta Zasloff INTRODUCTION TO AN OLLI CLASS AT URI
According to studies in the U.K. and Italy, training older people to use social media improves cognitive capacity, increases competence, and can have a beneficial overall impact on mental health and physical well-being. Most of those who have the hardware and the know-how reported feeling less isolated because of the connections they could make with relatives, friends, and people with shared interests. More surprisingly, those who had begun to use social media performed better on tests that gauge cognitive capacity and personal identity. Some reported that they were mentally and physically healthier than before, while those in the control group steadily declined.
What is and isn't social media, who uses it, and why and how it can help you enrich your life is the . Have a hands-on experience with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google, YOU TUBE, and Snapchat. You decide which one you like. Bring your hand held device.
It's not, how do I fill my day? But, how does my day fill me?" Copyright 2017. Etta Zasloff. [email protected]